Daedalus by Gregory Benedetti
The goal of this puzzle is to take apart and re-assemble the cube. This process is made quite difficult by pins on the pieces that slide along corresponding grooves. That would be difficult enough, but there are also rotational moves! This is a very nicely crafted puzzle, I really liked the choice of wood used.
I found this one to be way too difficult, it was really hard to tell what was going on since I found the puzzle in a partially solved state. It was hard to tell what was supposed to go where, and it was even difficult to tell where the exit would be for the first piece! The solution diagram didn't have the locations of the pins, so that didn't even help. I think if I got this puzzle in the solved state and could gradually work on taking it apart, it may be doable, but given the time constraints I was quite overwhelmed by this one!
Diamond in the Frame by Kirill Grebnev, Alexei Kanel-Belov

Dino Cylinder Cube by Li Chung Ma

Dog Head by Diniar Namdarian

Double Gear & Wheels by Namick Salakhov
The goal of this puzzle is to remove the gear that is trapped between the two wheels. There is an axle that runs through the two wheels, but it has a gap in the middle. However, the gap is only wide enough to run along a movable track that is on the gears. The gear also has features near the teeth that interact with the posts along the outside of the wheels.
I tried this one for a bit and found it quite difficult. It was hard to tell what was a legal move, since there is a lot going on. I found that I was able to tilt the gear up and down a bit, but it had a tendency to jam up. I think it is a good concept, but a bit complex for my taste. Perhaps if it was simplified a bit, it would have worked a bit better.
Equal7 by Vladimir Krasnoukhov

I worked on this one for a bit, but didn't have much luck with it. I have a fairly crummy memory, so have trouble remembering which faces are hidden when you can't see them. Perhaps I could have gotten the hang of it if I had tried for longer, but I didn't have a chance to return to this one.
Fan-2n by Dimitar Vakarelov

Flemin' by Shiro Tajima

Four to Square by Jacques Haubrich

Granny's Tea Box - Granny's Hammer by Kelly Snache
I was quite interested to try this box out, since I already have one of Snache's other tea boxes (a different design). I love how he is re-using these old tea boxes, though of course since they weren't originally designed to be puzzles, the lid has a bit of play.
This one took me about 5-10 minutes to "solve", but I wasn't quite sure what I had done. Once I had it open, you can actually see the whole mechanism and disassemble it, which is pretty neat. However, I don't really like puzzles that have multiple hidden moves without any clues to help you out. It is just too easy to solve randomly, then you don't really have the satisfaction of having figured it out.
Grid Sticks Cube 8 by Sándor Bozóki

As I was putting it back on the stand, I wondered why the pins were arranged so randomly. Upon closer inspection, I noticed that they read IPP 31 from the top! Isn't that cool? It was hard to see, so I'll bet most folk missed out on that little tidbit.
Groove Cube by Eitan Cher
This was a really unusual variation on a 2x2x2 Rubik's cube: rather than try to have the each face be a solid color, you need to arrange the cube so it will fit into the grooved yellow box. Each face has a different series of bumps on it, so you need to figure out how to arrange the bumps and then solve the cube to get the bumps in the correct position.
I figured it would take a while to deduce what the correct bump arrangement must be, so I didn't end up solving this one. It is a clever idea though!
Horrible Hexagon by Ton Delsing
It may look like a simple 3x3 sliding puzzle, but, true to it's name, it is tough! You can only get to the middle square by coming from either the top or the bottom, and there is a piece inside that only allows you to exit the direction you entered. For example, if you slid up from the bottom into the middle, the only way to get back out is to slide back down to the bottom, the way up is blocked.
This makes what would be a fairly simple puzzle into one that is more challenging. It seems like it should be doable if you spend some time figuring out ways to permute the pieces, but I didn't have much luck in the time I spent on it. I think I tried it for a good 20-30 minutes but was only able to assemble a small portion of the image.
Well that's it for today! More to come in Part 3 tomorrow!
good job, Brian! thanks a lot for the reviews
Glad you're enjoying them, Giacomo!
ReplyDeleteVocê conhece uma variação do Diamond in the Frame by Kirill Grebnev, Alexei Kanel-Belov
ReplyDeleteque utiliza elástico ao invés de imã?
Eu acho que é só madeira, sem elástico ou ímã